Back in the WATER & READY for a CHALLENGE
Picture of Khiara


This week we get the boat back in the water! This is always a stressful but exciting day for a boat owner and we’re no exception; Adam especially is visibly uncomfortable when Millie is in the slings and stands with his hands folded for the duration! But handing over a 14.5T home to a swinging crane and hoping that the driver doesn’t drop it is just one of the stresses of launching a boat!

This time however, a few of the jobs on our list had us handing thru hulls and sea cocks and so we were especially nervous and crossing fingers and toes that our repairs worked and we didn’t mess anything big up.

We were on the hard for about a month and while a lot of it was working on the boat, we also kept her on the hard longer than usual because it was a safe place to store the boat while we decided to explore Trinidad. The yard we were in (Peake Yacht Services) was pretty great to be in which is almost of unheard of for a yard! (we’re under no duress/have no deals etc with them), but daily shuttles to the shops, an onsite chandlery, good wifi, friendly office staff, hot showers, reasonable prices, RARE hurricanes and no boat insurance required, ticked all the boxes for us!

Once we launched, we went straight around the corner to a more low traffic anchorage called Carenage Bay which you can anchor in or tie up to moorings that belong to Trinidad and Tobago Sailing Association (TTSA). We took a mooring for a few days and got our boat back into a habitable place before we finally went on our first sail of the season!


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